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Plastic surgeon Tom van Mulken of Maastricht UMC+ attracts innovative conference about robotic (micro) surgery to Maastricht

By 16 February 2017August 16th, 2021No Comments

On March 3rd and 4th a leading conference about robotic (micro) surgery will be held in Maastricht. “It is not often that such an innovative, international conference is hosted in Maastricht,” says co-organizer Tom van Mulken, plastic surgeon at the Maastricht UMC+.


The conference on robotic (micro) surgery is of great importance. Van Mulken explains why: “At the moment, robotic (micro) surgery is relatively unknown and small, but this way of surgery will become very big in a very short time. Professionals from all over the world who are leading in this sub discipline (expected approximately 100), come to Maastricht to share their experiences and to discuss new techniques. The conference is multidisciplinary. Urologistst, orthopedists, plastic surgeons, neurosurgeons etcetera will look at microsurgery together. And last but not least: the Japanese prof. Isao Koshima, founder of the microsurgery, will discuss his views on the past and the future of microsurgery during the RAMSES conference.”


Tom van Mulken
Van Mulken, next to plastic also reconstructive and handsurgeaon at Maastricht University Medical Center+ (Maastricht UMC+) and Zuyderland Medical Center Sittard, gained national (he was a guest at the daily tv show De Wereld Draait Door) and international fame because of the joined robot project of Maastricht UMC+ and the TU/e (Technical University Eindhoven). That is also the reason why he was approached to organize the conference. Because he works and lives in Maastricht, he knows what the region has to offer conferences like no one else. Facilities, social programme and knowledge networks. It is therefore not a big surprise that he, together with the Maastricht Convention Bureau, managed to get the RAMSES conference to come to Maastricht.

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