Each month, we aim our spotlight at one of our regional partners. What are the developments within their company? What are the challenges? In short: you will not only get to know the person better, but also the company where he or she works. This month’s In the spotlight guest Charles Beckers, Brightlands Maastricht Health Campus Manager BioPartner Center Maastricht / Community Development Manager:
1. Why did you choose the position you have now?
“During my previous role as Sr. Business Development Manager Medical Association Conventions for the Maastricht Exhibition &Convention Centre (MECC). On the one hand, I gained a lot of knowledge and built my network and on the other hand passion and interest for life sciences and medical science sector within our region and far beyond. Pursuing this interest and passion became a greater goal for me which I finally could fulfill within my current position! ”
2. What are the most recent developments within your company? (HR/renovation plans etc.)
“As we speak, Brightlands Maastricht Health Campus is quickly gaining professional ‘body and strength’ as our team of dedicated professionals within the field of transforming cutting-edge knowledge into products and services that benefit society and public health is growing very fast, within one year of time from 6 to 22 colleagues all eager to expand our Campus and Community! In addition to that, Brightlands Maastricht Health Campus is also very keen to announce that it will gain a true and physically ‘BMHC landmark’ on the campus area. A community building which will give space and body to our campus and his residents. This means that we are really able to give the Brightlands Maastricht Health Campus a Face.”
3. Which challenges are you facing?
“Due to the growth on startup initiatives within our open access campus grounds and facilities, we now need to think ahead how we can keep up with this growth in accommodation and facilities which of course is a very positive progression! ”
4. What have you achieved, of which you are most proud?
“The achievement which I am most proud of is the fact that I dared to follow my passion and interest which gained me the beautiful professional position at Brightlands Maastricht Health Campus as I have now.”
5. What does the Maastricht Convention Bureau mean to you?
“The Maastricht Convention bureau means for my personally an ‘old and new friend’ combined, which I sincerely would like to attract and work with within our Brightlands Maastricht Health Campus Community. I see common goals and instruments which we can professionalize and expand together in order to benefit mutual.”